My Teodulo Lopez Melendez journal soldiers see, semi-official organ of the ruling in Venezuela bastardia, November 11, 2009, titled nine Uribe soldiers fall to the FARC. Thus, the soldiers are not from Colombia, Uribe’s. They are not members of the Colombian armed forces, are of Uribe. The the bastardia’s conception is that soldiers are personal property. They are the soldiers of Uribe, that is, they are members of a personal army. It is obvious that such a conception comes from his own conscience.
Venezuelan soldiers are not of the national armed forces, are the soldiers of Chavez. They are the personal property of Chavez, the Venezuelan armed forces now are the personal army of Chavez. The licensee also indicates a morbidity. There is in him a celebration that have fallen nine soldiers of Uribe. Meanwhile, the ineffable added us that its announcement of war was a tomadera of hair. It referred only to an adage, ensures. It was the media world who manipulated his declared war.
Adagio is a sentence, but also musically a movement slow. Neither one thing nor the other, although the world issued a statement of condemnation, which means that the whole world put the adage. They move to are that Chavez touches. Lack of responsiveness. They are dancers to the sound of the clarinetist bloody teasing and the manifest irresponsibility. I threatened with war? When? Emerges days later the ineffable somersault of one who believes that he has a personal army, that Venezuelan soldiers are yours, your property and that they already ceased to be members of the national armed forces. Licensee see nine soldiers of Uribe fall before the FARC should, at least, provoke a reflection on the Venezuelan armed forces. Are you owned by Chavez? Are you the personal army of Chavez? Do they expect to see another owner in see, when occurs the hypothetical and fanciful war conflict, noting that many soldiers fell from? Chavez? Fortunately never they will see it because Colombians and Venezuelans will prevent it, but nothing more the hypothesis should move to a deep pondering. Fortunately the ones who have fallen in these days are other soldiers of Chavez who came out to ask for peace call to dialogue, to pull hairs by the war that was invented in a stressful domingo Chavez soldiers owner. The owner of the soldiers of Chavez spoke of my soldiers.