Everything in life has its price, nothing is free, and the fame is no exception. Yuridia is today a major seller of original discs, despite the piracy that avasalla Mexico, no doubt and in my opinion, interpret the most outstanding and comprehensive of all generations and with greater future, hopefully follow persevering and devoted to his career, in a few more years can occupy the seat of the largest of the song in Spanish. Touching the subject of the current generation of the Academy, in the beginning I was not engaged at all and I thought I would spend the same with the second generation (the less striking in my opinion) perhaps by the circus that put together in the early galas critics panel composed of veteran singer Enrique Guzman, Lisset performer, master Quintanilla and the Arturo Lopez sicorigido and nor to say sobreactuado the director Hector Martinez, relegating these sangrones contrapunteos the essence of reality represented in the novice interpreters. Fortunately the reality return to your course and despite the fact that the minutiae of the participants are still exploited and arman melodramas with tears and mucus, romances and some cheap morbid, often humorous tale of the famous Paolo Botti and the tantrums of Pearl. Having a foreign presenter, suddenly brings its share of impartiality, but also the Lord this subject to the damn pointer that handles it like a puppet on stage and castrates him naturalness, ease and minimum autonomy. Should be noted that I miss a lot Mrs. Lolita Cortes, I think has been criticism more objectively all shaped panels, even though when put the eye of women one of the members, their impartiality is questioned, but is she a landslide woman, professional and firm up last minute, without hairs in the language to express his opinion.
Approaches the final straight and have already hovering a good number of participants, are the most outstanding and those who have managed to steal the show as Luis Armando, who despite not having a talent for singing, kept thanks to the votes of the viewers and it generates rating production, as in his time occurred with the berrinchuda Yoletto which AZTECA budgeted Diva to become, but turned out them a full Chilean package, as we say in these lands and already tired of his inflated ego they determined to deport her with MOM on board. Who will win the fifth generation?, do be Wilfredo, Fabiola, Matias, Pearl, Ivan, Fatima, Maria Fernanda, Alex, Cintia, Valeria, Esteban or Luis Armando?, truth, could not even give a final verdict, but is likely to win a woman, they are the majority and men begin to falter with their inflated egos as it happened to the charismatic Wilfredo. For the time being I will continue in first row following the outcome of the Academy, the latest generation.