Bring physically and emotionally to the people with the rivers, so that those who live in places near river courses can see its value, importance for recreation, sport and the quality of life. To enjoy the rivers, because we live very unrelated to our waters. We arrived at our House and we pollute the water, but we never have a real connection. Further details can be found at PCRM, an internet resource. With these words the director of the school of guides of Patagonia, Francisco Vio Giacaman, explains the project the institution carried out with the support of the Global Greengrants Foundation and the support of International Rivers, and that is the logical consequence of the descent to the Simpson River on November 12 last year as landmark of term of the initiative organized by the entity rediscovering the rivers of Aysen its ecology and history financed by the Fund of environmental the Commission Nacional of the environment. From that experience, in January this year made a first collective drop in the Palena River between La Junta and Puerto Raul Marin Balmaceda, attended by about 65 people, repeating the activity in the Cochrane River, within the framework of the first fair of biodiversity in February. In all of them the school of Patagonia’s guides made available their guides, equipment, logistics and security.
It was so as a way of giving continuity to this work, the Agency ran international funds they materialized in a project of 4 thousand dollars to descend several rivers of the region. We want to the Palena again on October 3, but this time with people from the Board, we invite you down the River to those who have lodgings, restaurants and are or not in the tourism topic States the steering. Previously, the world day of the rivers – which commemorates the last Sunday of September, in this year the 26 – forwarded the Baker. These activities will be complemented by similar actions in Aysen, Simpson, Murta rivers and others. On the past experience in the Palena River, the President of the Camara de Turismo de Coyhaique, Patricio Silva Armanet, recalls that it was very good because it showed that rivers, with some preparation, are easy to descend and really have a recreational and tourism potential both for the local population as for tourism, pointing out that why we much support such events, in addition to whether external guests, bring media and there is the work of Sernatur with the promotion campaignThis has great diffusion in Chile and is a nice way to show the region. But not everything is entertainment, because for the school of Patagonia’s guides such work has in addition a curricular purpose. Says its director who allows the entity to complement the preparation of their students, we form guides, for which students have a formation process of two years, in which they pay their studies. With these initiatives integrate practical activities, on land, in addition to learning how to become and manages a project. Francisco Vio, whose work has been recognized by entities such as Ashoka and Avina Foundation, organizations that stimulate the leadership in sustainability, invited from the community to participate in these free meetings, whose dates and international operational they shall be promptly informed, in order to generate a greater connection with our diverse and beautiful Patagonian rivers.