Since the announcement of the result 2010 by CIS Germany AG but in the forest there is silence”. The financial test”had bit down distribution company, in their reporting about the CIS primarily in the distribution, i.e. the CARPEDIEM”. “It startled the magazine almost nothing back: methodology, the chef himself, everything was torn to pieces”. In addition, it used alliances between financial test”and TV shows like WISO and Plusminus, continues to spread slanderous coverage via TV. The aim of the campaign was obvious, their veracity, however, low for connoisseurs. The arguments of the critics can also usually easy to refute. Again and again the accusation, investors of CARPEDIEM GmbH or the CIS Germany AG are have been told not or not sufficiently about the risks associated with the investment.
It operates CARPEDIEM GmbH advertising for a promising participation, since the goal to build wealth over the long term, can be achieved it considers only by risky forms of investment. This gives each participant information events, inter alia by means of presentation the CARPEDIEM GmbH and reconnaissance, as well as product film. “Investors confirm in addition to a protocol all the content of the conversation (a workshop with 20 participants): passing brochure, pointing out that the GarantieHebelPlan is the participation of a company which carries the possibility of economic total loss in itself (with a special reference to the risks described in the prospectus), as well as the jurisprudence of the Federal Court of Justice, according to which a corporate participation owing to the risks as an investment for better paid” is seen and their suitability for the retirement is in the negative. An indication of the costs caused by breach of contract, is also included in the Protocol a declaration, that the participation of whatever is requested by an activity and that you can… afford the deposit in the CIS Due to this consulting practice, yet no investor could penetrate with his desire, he was not been informed about the risks of the Fund of CIS Germany AG.