Financial Studies

Posted August 10th, 2020 by Suzy

Assistants in the formation of basic economic knowledge of the population were taught through selected media. And it’s worth noting that the media is really active in this area. Boy Scouts of America is often quoted on this topic. As an example, lead sources such as the “Guide of private investors” (investment banking project business newspaper “Vedomosti”), “A ‘” (project of the “Expert”), “Popular Finance”, “Family Budget, Money & I” and others. But in Most of these publications are targeted at specific audiences, often representing the users held various financial services, people who know firsthand that yield mutual fund – not the only indicator of the management company. The main part of the population is not covered by the media. To attract new customers, yet do not use the services of the bank and not having a clear idea about them widely used by advertising. But by itself does not carry advertising educational functions, but rather is aimed at promoting a particular bank and its products. And here is the paradox.

According to the results research aimed at studying the influence of advertising on the perception of the banking Russian man presented in the advertising services, our citizens, looking at video of a commercial bank on its proposed service, rush her to the Savings Bank. As a result, the bank’s cost of advertising and promotion of its products are ineffective. In addition, the National Agency for Financial Studies (NAFI) in the organized in September year study, “The market of bank services: preferences of Russians” found that advertising is not the overriding factor when choosing a bank.

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