The scope of the Teaching Hospital itself is clear that the hospital context. Within it we will mainly work in the classroom teaching hospitals and children's rooms, where they can not go to class. Not forgetting to extend this action to outpatient consultations and day hospitals. Education also can transfer the hospital to the schools, educate and inform children about what a hospital, including the various common diseases, linking with the theme of health education, so fashionable today. Most children admitted to a hospital emergency department do so. If the school is explained so you can find on arrival at a hospital, the anxiety-state income itself largely disappear and therefore, adjustment and adaptation to hospitalization would be greater. One thing to keep in mind is that, at present, is significantly reducing the average length of hospitalization. This leads to a change in the modes of action of Hospital Pedagogy through, for example, specific intervention programs.
This fact also points to the need to establish a home education for children who must stay at home convalescing. It is in the Royal Decree on Management of actions to remedy inequalities in education (RD 299/1996 of 28 February), which states that Eel Ministry of Education may conclude agreements with public and nonprofit associations to the development of educational home care programs, aimed at students with prolonged stay at home facultativau prescription (Article 20.2). To properly address psychosocial problems, educational and behavioral, from a hospital admission is required the collaboration of all professionals involved, each of them from their role. The lack of collaboration and communication, between professionals of different disciplines devoted to the care and pediatric patient care, are set to blame aspects of fragmentation in psychology attention that the current system offers these children and their families. While great progress, the lack of interdisciplinarity is still patent.
Many professionals involved in the activities of Teaching Hospital, mainly teachers and pedagogues. First, there must be an interdisciplinary collaboration between them, extends to the doctors and nurses, psychologists, social workers, socio-cultural (Tasoc) and other professionals in contact with the sick and hospitalized children, not to mention the work of volunteers. Another feature of today's society is the rise of social consciousness, which is leading to a proliferation of NGOs. This movement of solidarity and social support has also come to the field of Hospital Education. Thus, more and more groups of volunteers working in hospitals serving and accompanying persons admitted to them. Similarly, and as has been reflected, home care is taking shape on these non-profit associations. On this point, it should highlight the value and even necessity of such aid. However, regulations will require the performance of volunteers in this area in order to prevent interference, overlap and subsequent conflicts with the work of education professionals. The professionals involved in providing education to the sick child constantly demand training courses and initial specific training, virtually nonexistent today. Another of the great challenges of educational action to meet student is hospitalized, and further open the field of action, children and youth with psychiatric disorders. Similarly, it is essential to open new areas performance and training in a subject, also present, as is that of dealing with death.