Assessment criteria of ads, graphic design and conception of the text. The Trendence – and the creative game Institute have according to design criteria analyzed ads about 180 employer branding and assessed. 60 Print, where students about occupational and career information served as the basis. The result is presented in the study creative employer branding Directorate. The study is a guide to marketing and employer branding decision makers for the evaluation of design.
It provides practical knowledge so that campaigns can be better. You plan, design, moderate, modify and choose marketing, advertising and communication measures in recruitment marketing and employer branding? Are you sure that design, graphic design and text work? The result of these considerations and efforts comes sooner or later in the form of design of the daylight visible, readable and tangible.” Dr. Albert Heiser the most demanding part of every communication task is the evaluation of design effect. Too often it is judged from the gut often without sufficient knowledge. Why Green? I like much prefer yellow?” Who judge only by taste, is usually wrong. More knowledge about design leads to better decisions and promotes the quality of each employer branding campaign.
The design quality decides whether strategic and tactical considerations on the point come. The central question is this: is the target group is activated by the idea, graphic design, and the advertising, transforms and motivated? Of specific ads quotes, essential assessment criteria are analysed and shows. The reader experience what make good graphic design and conception of the text. How does good design and how this effect on different levels of design changes. Let yourself be inspired. Everything will be better. The creative game Institute conducts research, teaches and advises on the design of mission communications. We analyze and educate. The creative game Institute offers two-day training for the evaluation of text – and graphic design design of employer branding campaigns. Target groups include employees of personnel marketing, communication and public relations.