The Decree 233/2010, 29 December, establishing the regulatory bases of the subsidies to be granted by the Servicio Extremeno de Salud (DOE No. 3, January 5, 2011), provided for in title IV, subsidies granted for the implementation of intervention programs in addictive behaviors developed by non-governmental organizations, associations and entities without profitestablishing in its article 5 that as a general rule, the procedure for granting of subsidies regulated in the present Decree will be of concurrency competitive and call public periodically, by order of the competent Minister for health. Read additional details here: Childrens Defense Fund. By the above exposed, in accordance with article 5 of the Decree 233/2010 of 29 December, and in exercise of the powers conferred by article 36 of law 1/2002 of 28 February, the Government and the administration of the autonomous community of Extremadura, D I S P O N G O: article 1. Object. 1.
The present order aims to convene public subsidies for programmes of prevention, intervention, reintegration, research and training in the field of addictive behaviors. 2. The call is regulated by the provisions of titles I and IV of the Decree 233/2010 of 29 December, establishing the regulatory bases of the subsidies to be granted by the Servicio Extremeno de Salud (DOE No. 3, January 5, 2011). Article 2. Beneficiaries. 1 May be beneficiaries of the planned aid organizations non-governmental, associations and entities non-profit organization carrying out the programmes described in article 3 of this order. 2.
The entities requesting grants for assistance programs They must have administrative authorisation which, where appropriate, establish the rules applicable in terms of facilities, services or establishments in the treatment of addictive behaviors. Article 3. Eligible expenses.