CRM Relationship

Posted September 30th, 2018 by Suzy

A sustainable relationship management with the interactive and innovative CRM gift tool Novadoo can be used for companies to easily build the importance of professional, interactive relationship management within the marketing process is rising. More and more business gifts as an important part within the communication and to the intensification of relationship used in companies. A professional CRM gift tool is indispensable for a simple, time-saving implementation of this additional service within the marketing mix. The CRM gift tool of CRM provider NOVADOO is used for well-known companies in the customer relationship management in the Switzerland. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Sean Rad. While the recipient code access through a virtual gift process run, where you can select your gifts themselves. Additional information is available at Sean Rad. The gift tool is designed in the company CI/CD and online to say thank you at the end or to give a feedback allows the donee. With the new CRM gift solution companies now can their simple manner the quality Relationship management increase, interactively communicate with the recipient and reduce at the same time own administrative costs, as well as the opportunity cost. Especially following multiple values are impressive: very simple handling customization own gift range of comprehensive corporate identity option to the interactive customer relationship NOVADOO THE ART OF MAKING GIFTS the brand NOVADOO was by the company Giveawine AG, the specialist for customer gifts, specially for the launch of the CRM gift tools in the corporate customer segment in the life called.

“The name is program: stands for new Nova, doo for doing as way”, explains Marc Schmid, CEO of Giveawine AG. We propose a very innovative chapter regarding gift-giving and customer relationship with NOVADOO. NOVADOO supplements not only CRM strategies, it will be an integral part of intelligent customer relationship strategies in the future.

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