
Posted October 2nd, 2017 by Suzy

The Ferratum Group in Spain puts within reach of more people the credits of small granted by CREDITOMOVIL.ES in Spain, must like objective satisfy the immediate economic needs, a not planned extraordinary cost, a gift surprise or even unfortunate a familiar failure. In this way they cover any necessity with unexpected liquidity of its clients with total agility and guarantee. Until now the return of these credits had to be realised at the most in 15 days, once granted the loan, but from this month of March of 2011, with CREDITOMOVIL.ES, Spanish of the financial holding company Ferratum Group marks, can be chosen to loans of small quantity without needing transacting red tape some, giving back the amount granted in 30 days instead of 15. For amounts that oscillate between the 50 Euros for an unexpected commitment, until the 400 Euros, (before 300 Euros) for an unforeseen circumstance in the home, it is possible to be acceded to this loan to the consumption of small quantity without endorsement and only in 10 minutes. In order to realise the request it is essential to be 21 years old and not to be in no file of Spanish dilatoriness, they are the unique requirements essential to have immediate liquidity and to satisfy that small necessity that arises to us and to that we do not want to resign or by that we did not wish to hope. With these present facilities, CREDITOMOVIL.ES is put within reach of more people, offers to us: up to 400 (to pay 500 ), maintains its prices and allows the return us until in 30 days of the granted credit. Either you can ask for a small credit for the purchase of your new wheels of the automobile, that payment of the insurance of the house or that fast, agile and guaranteed cost that not yet you have realised not to have an immediate liquidity. More information in: Telephone of Attention to the client: 902052383 email: Web: On Creditomovil Creditomovil of Ferratum Group is a financier of Finnish origin dedicated to the concession of loans of small quantity.

Present in more than 15 countries in Europe, Ferratum Group is leader in the sector offering to the fast operative market, an effective one and is transparent like solution to problems of immediate liquidity. With loans of small quantity that are going from the 50 Euros to the 300 Euros and to give back in a period of 15 days, Creditomovil offers an immediate solution since the enter the account of the clients can be made cash in ten minutes less than. The proceeding to formalize these loans is free of any type of red tape since the requests through the page Web or by SMS are realised, sending a text message to the 27227. .

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