The study was conducted at Samaritano Hidding place of the Aconchego Complex (the Samaritan Complex Snuggle Corner), in Frank. This institution is an alternative that aims you provide temporary housing and residential characteristics provide the opportunity you participate in community life through the uses of assets and resources available. The Corner you serve 54 children and adolescents, who were living away from parents in court. We used questionnaires you collect dates and interviews. Keywords: Socialization; reading; writing. INTRODUCTION This article mentions a research to it on the social interaction of children and the activities that provide one better performance in the reading and the writing. Our objective was to observe the characteristics of the social interactions and to show that some activities and factors provide to an improvement in the process of the reading and the writing In the second infancy the socialization if of the one in more intense way which had the cognitivo aspect to be more developed. At this moment the adult must accept the fact that it by no means must desire and understand in the place of the child, and yes to direct and to discipline the child making with that they know what of them if they wait.
The objective was to understand the interaction of children of 3 the 11 years. Observing some characteristics, such as versatility of the social interactions, the cooperation, the competitive behavior and the leadership. The relation of the children with the group was observed, for this was had that to understand the reasons for the permanence in a group, the desistance of the group and the processes so that these children could interact of the best form in one determined group In elapsing of the project, it had an adaptation process. Had I number to it small of children in the second infancy and the perceived necessity, was added the objective to observe the activities that would provide to an improvement in the process of reading and writing.