Construction Industry Part

Posted June 2nd, 2019 by Suzy

The first part of this article can be found here – except the face of the SRO in the building. Part 1: When asked about the unconditional nature of the grounds for the adoption of SROs in the construction of a decision on exclusion of members, invited based solely on common sense, which suggests that at least inappropriate to exclude members of the SRO person who, for example, the second time this year has delayed the payment of a monthly membership fee, but in the end all its payment and also compensated for partnership losses incurred in connection with the delay. Such member SROs should be valued, rather than exclude. After exclusion of members of the SRO in the building – a serious measure, not only for the excluded, but and for most of SRO in the building, and, hence, for all its other members, since a reduction in the number of members may lead to the loss of SRO status (see Part 7, Art. 55.19 GDC Russia). It seems that some in the GSC RF cases in which the SRO in construction of the right to exclude a person from their ranks, should be regarded as possible, but not unconditional basis for making such an important decision.

Every time these grounds appear SRO takes into account the particular situation. In this case, of course, all members should be provided with an impartial and equitable treatment. Safeguard against abuse of workers and controls in the construction of SROs in deciding whether to expulsion of members of the organization is enjoined by the law making such decisions need general meeting of the SRO (part three of article five-tenths five point seven GRK RF). For the democratic approach in the construction of SRO and its Members pay dispatch decision to exclude – to convene and hold a general meeting takes time, in absentia, such issues are not addressed.

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