Criminals often do not walk on their own sites, and use special programs that are necessary sites and add them to the information. A common method of protection is the use of automatic input captures, then there are pictures with some text that you want to enter to confirm. The name of this element comes from the reduction of CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), which translates as a fully automated public Turing test, designed to differentiate between computers and people. By adding a CAPTCHA to the site, remember to strike a balance between usability and degree of protection. Too complicated CAPTCHA protect from robots, but scare off some visitors.
Conversely, if the captcha is too simple, many robots can easily bypass this obstacle. Another effective method to combat unwanted messages is a constant moderation, that is, scanning of all messages and edit or delete unwanted. Care must be taken so that all users being added to the site information can be be easily fixed or removed. It is desirable that the fact of any additions reported by e-mail to the responsible person. If someone, for example, left obscene message, it is better if such a message will be removed as soon as possible. You can also use pre-moderation, that is to check all the published material before being posted on the site. Some sections, such as questions and answers have nothing to lose from the introduction of pre-moderation. Along with moderation, you can use automated tools that detect unwanted words.
In this case, many unwanted messages will be rejected automatically. In order to insure against Spam should not be placed on the site email address. Address, housed on the popular site will necessarily be used for spam. It is more convenient to use the feedback form in which the visitor can enter the desired message. In the future relationship with him may also be conducted via email. If you also do not want robots to determine the address and phone number of your organization, this data can be placed in a drawing, but not text. By providing security measures can not overdo it, because you can lose all visitors. If any action the visitor linked to the additional difficulties, it is likely to leave the site and will not return to He never. For example, we start on site only registered users reporting the passport data and evidence that they are true, but hardly on a site registered at least a few visitors, if they do not will be offered something truly unique. Experience shows that most frightens registration of potential clients. Captcha too many people do not like it, but there are accustomed to, since almost all spam received. And on moderation, if it is made not too intrusively, in general is often overlooked. Balanced protection methods clearly would benefit from any site.