
Posted July 28th, 2016 by Suzy

To the question on the main problem that oppresses the Colombian families, the citizen outcry responds unanimously the use! Indeed, the labor opportunities have fallen for multiple reasons, some inherent to the logic and dynamics imposed by the global economic system that devastates with world-wide the middle-class; and others, for own reasons of the Colombian, subsidiary reality of that capital without face and soul but with local accents due to the context in which our country develops. If the main problem that oppresses our people is the lack of use and the absence of opportunities, the first public policy must be the generation of use and work sources, the creation of opportunities. For this reason, the first and main actions must be oriented towards the individual, local and regional emprendimiento. On the other hand the care attendant policy, that has justification and temporary explanation as oriented action to the aid of desperate families by the impact of the violence and the closing of the companies, must be oriented towards the support to these families so that they can by themselves generate the income that allow them to live with dignity. The insecurity, the educative cover and of health, the other social policies, will fructify if our people have opportunities, have sources of income and construct the foundations of a worthy life in agreement with present civilization. Some reasons, allow us to formulate slogans, to make the programs and to advance to the actions of a proposal of public policies for our city and the suroccidental region, that aim towards the main and basic problem, so that our people recover the hope and the faith in the communitarian effort and the local governments who interpret the popular feeling genuinely. For this reason, we affirmed surely and vehemence that the priority and the emphasis in our proposal is the generation of opportunities: sources of use and emprendimiento; fortification of the companies; creation of platforms for the individual, local and regional competitiveness; protection of the sources of wealth generation; support to the SMEs, Micro-SMEs and Fami-SMEs; elimination of the intermediations in the hiring and protection of the union activity.

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