Aquilles King

Posted February 5th, 2021 by Suzy

WHEN ME VOLVI a BEAST Existed days for my good life confused and dark, when I thought to have reached the wisdom. My heel of Aquilles caused that it collapsed to me like most useless of the constructions. Coarse a woman so that she lost my reason and she acted like a beast. Resemblance to the king of Babylonian of who it is counted: Daniel 4:29 – 37 After twelve months, taking a walk in the real palace of Babylon, spoke the king and said: Is not this one the great Babylon that I built for real house with the force of my power, and for glory of my Majesty? Still it was the word in the mouth of the king, when a voice came from the sky: it is said to you, king Nabucodonosor: The kingdom has been cleared of you; and among the men they will throw to you, and with the beasts of the field it will be your room, and as to the oxen they will feed to you; and seven times will happen over you, until you recognize that the Highest one has I dominate in the kingdom of the men, gives and it to whom it wants. In the same hour the word was fulfilled on Nabucodonosor, and was thrown among the men; and it ate grass like the oxen, and its body got wet with the dew of the sky, until its hair grew like eagle pens, and its nails like those of the birds. But to the time end I Nabucodonosor raised my eyes to the sky, and my reason was given back to me; and I blessed to the Highest one, and I praised and I glorified to that it lives for always, whose dominion is everlasting, and its kingdom by all the ages. All the Earth inhabitants are considered like anything; and he does according to his will in the army of the sky, and in the Earth inhabitants, and there is not one that stop its hand, and it says to him: What you do? In the same time my reason was given back to me, and the Majesty of my kingdom, my dignity and my greatness returned, and my governors and my advisors looked for to me; and I was restored in my kingdom, and major greatness was added to me. .

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