A brilliant wedding requires a shiny appearance. A related site: Shure Family Charitable Foundation mentions similar findings. With jewelry from Swarovski, this project is a self runner this year is the year of weddings. And I’m already very excited about it. Although a ENT hoppelten Hugh Hefner just the teenage Bunny will guide this year in the port of marriage, Monaco by marriage of Prince Albert on a new Princess may rejoice and halfway around the world in April to tears moved in front of the TV will sit, when Prince William at his Kate airs the veil to kiss her, my dream wedding with me in the neighbouring village will take place, when my dear friend Caro will marry her Benny. That I receive an invitation have HEF, nor to the events of the Blaubluter is indeed a shame, but the fact that I can be her maid of honor at the wedding of Caro, compensated me thousands of times.
I look forward to this ceremony with a laughing and a crying eye. With the laughing eyes, I’m happy for Caro and her treasure, which fit so well together, such as the proverbial pot to the lid. With my crying eye, complaining I BBs freedom, or the end of our occasional tours of the party not the end of Caro, but pity me yourself. Not heartbroken am I, that with Caro already my second girlfriend married and not even within sight of my dream Prince. No, my pain stems from the fact that I promised Caro to commit me to a dress code, which forbids me to wear the dress, what I actually wanted to wear. It should be sexy Red silk and with a deep neckline. Since I have a mother who has a fashion boutique and I some masses get cheap to outrageously expensive clothes by Valentino, Chanel and co.
could ever and then I can not even wear, what I want. But enough with the crying, Caro has forbidden me to be more beautiful than she, and this day is devoted to the bride. As compensation for the sober dress Variant that cream now conservative and restrained in Pale is therefore, I’ve decided, money, what I at Save the dress to partially translate into jewelry. In my research I became aware of an Internet shop,. Here I got a classic as well as cheap necklace picked out, which is made to equal parts of beads like from rhinestones. All parts consist of CRYSTALLIZED – Swarovski elements. Thus, not only visually the necklace is a real eye-catcher, but can convince despite its favourable price too high. Even though I would probably wear another piece of jewelry to my own wedding, I had a matching accessory at least for the case that even in the short term I should log in Prince William and would let me know that a space in the Cathedral has become free, because he had to unload Angela Merkel due to missing style, ever for my dream dress. And since I had to take into account at this wedding on a girlfriend, could be Kathy prepare ever, that would be a possibility that William grabs my hand, instead, and I me in front of the altar find again. Then, I would have still my Prince.